HIEA 1501: Introductory Seminar in East Asian History
Introduces the study of history intended for first- or second-year students. Seminars involve reading, discussing, and writing about different historical topics and periods, and emphasize the enhancement of critical and communication skills. Several seminars are offered each term. Not more than two Introductory Seminars may be counted toward the major in history.
HIEA 2011: History of Chinese Civilization
An intro to the study of Chinese civilization. We shall begin with the earliest human remains found in China & conclude in the present. The goal of this coure is not merely to tell the story of Chinese history, rich and compelling though the story is. Rather, our aim will be to explore what makes Chinese civilization specifically Chinese, & how the set of values, practices, & institutions we associate with Chinese society came to exist.
HIEA 2031: Modern China
Studies the transformation of Chinese politics, society, institutions, culture and foreign relations from the Opium War. through the post-Mao Reform Era. Emphasizes the fluid relationship between tradition and transformation and the ways in which this relationship continues to shape the lives of the Chinese people.
HIEA 2072: Modern Japanese Culture and Politics
An introduction to the politics, culture, and ideologies of modern Japan from roughly 1800 to the present. We will pay special attention to the interplay between Japan's simultaneous participation in global modernity and its assertion of a unique culture as a way to explore the rise of the nation-state as a historically specific form.
HIEA 2073: Japan to 1868: An Historical Introduction
This lecture class surveys the history of Japanese civilization from prehistory to the end of the nineteenth century. Through an assortment of historical, literary, religious and visual materials, it offers an introduction to the political, social, religious, intellectual, artistic, and cultural life of Japan in its various epochs.
HIEA 2081: Korea: Antiquity through the 12th Century
The development of Korean culture from the Three Kingdoms Period through the Silla (675-918) and Early Koryo (936-1200) dynasties.
HIEA 2091: Korea 13th-19th Centuries
Second of a three part sequence on the history of Korea from earliest times into the 21st century. This course covers the period bracketed by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries and the opening of the Yi Dynasty in the late 19th century.
HIEA 2101: Modern Korean History
This course traces Korea's history from its unified rule under the Choson dynasty (1392-1910) to Japanese colonization (1910-1945) and subsequent division into the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and Republic of Korea (South Korea). It examines how processes of reform, empire, civil war, revolution, and industrialization shaped both Koreas' development and how ordinary people experienced this tumultuous history.
HIEA 3111: China to the Tenth Century
Surveys the social, political and economic organization of traditional Chinese society, traditional Chinese foreign policy, and major literary, artistic, and intellectual movements.
HIEA 3112: Late Imperial China
Survey of the social, political, and cultural history of China from 10th to the early 20th centuries. Topics include the philosophic basis of state and society, the formation of social elites, the influence of nomadic peoples, and patterns of popular dissent and rebellion, among others
HIEA 3141: Political and Social Thought in Modern China
Studies political and social thought from the early 20th century to the present, as reflected in written sources (including fiction), art, and films.
HIEA 3162: Historical China and the World
The course traces China's external relations from antiquity to our own times, identifying conceptions, practices, and institutions that characterized the ancient inter-state relations of East Asia and examining the interactions between "Eastern" and "Western," and "revolutionary" and "conventional" modes of international behavior in modern times. The student's grade is based on participation, midterm test, final exam, and a short essay.
HIEA 3171: Meiji Japan
This course will examine the rise of the nation-state form in Japan as a new form of historical subjectivity. It will explore in depth the political, economic, social, and cultural changes in the wake of the collapse of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868 to the start of the Tasiho period in 1912.
HIEA 3172: The Japanese Empire
This course is an exploration of Japan's imperial project from roughly 1890-1945. We will start by developing a critical theoretical vocabulary with which we will then focus on three recent and important books on Japanese imperialism in East Asia. At the end of the semester we will also look briefly at anti-imperial and decolonization movements as well as the status of the category of 'empire' for analyzing the postwar period.
HIEA 3211: Japan's Economic Miracle
Examines the history of Japan since the early 19th century by exploring the causes and consequences of the economic and social changes that have made Japan one of the most important advanced industrial countries in the contemporary world.
HIEA 3221: Japan's Political History
Examines Japanese history since the early 19th century, exploring changes in political ideas, institutions, and behavior among both governing elites and the mass of Japanese citizenry.
HIEA 3311: Peasants, Students and Women: Social Movement in Twentieth-Century China
Studies rural revolution, student movements, women's liberation, and the transformation of the social order since the late 19th century.
HIEA 3321: China and the Cold War
The class examines China's entanglement with the Cold War from 1945 to the early 1990s. The course raises China-centered questions because it is curious in retrospect that China, a quintessential Eastern state, became so deeply involved in the Cold War, a confrontation rooted in Western history. In exploring such questions, this course does not treat China as part of the Cold War but the Cold War as a period of Chinese history.
HIEA 3323: China and the United States
The course explores Chinese-American relations since the late 18th century. Starting as an encounter between a young trading state and an ageless empire on the two sides of the Pacific Ocean, the relationship has gone through stages characterized by the two countries' changing identities. The course understands the relationship broadly and seeks insights at various levels.
HIEA 4501: Seminar in East Asian History
A small class (not more than 15 students) intended primarily but not exclusively for history majors who have completed two or more courses relevant to the topic of the seminar. The work of the seminar results primarily in the preparation of a substantial (ca. 25 pp. in standard format) research paper. Some restrictions and prerequisites apply to enrollment. See a history advisor or the director of undergraduate studies.
HIEA 4511: Colloquium in East Asia
A small class (not more than 15 students) intended primarily but not exclusively for history majors who have completed two or more courses relevant to the topic of the colloquium. Most frequently offered in areas of history where access to source materials or linguistic demands make seminars especially difficult. Students prepare about 25 pages of written work. Some restrictions and prerequisites apply to enrollment. See a history advisor or the director of undergraduate studies.
HIEA 4591: Topics in East Asian History
Topics courses are small, discussion-oriented classes available to any student with sufficient background and interest in a particular field of historical study. Offered irregularly, they are open to majors or non-majors on an equal basis.
HIEA 4993: Independent Study in East Asia
In exceptional circumstances and with the permission of a faculty member any student may undertake a rigorous program of independent study designed to explore a subject not currently being taught or to expand upon regular offerings. Independent Study projects may not be used to replace regularly scheduled classes. Open to majors or non-majors.
HIEA 5050: International History of East Asia
This seminar familiarizes graduate students with scholarships about relations among states, societies, and peoples of the Asia-Pacific region during the 20th century, and helps students refine their ongoing research projects or initiate new ones. In applying rigorously methods of historical research to their projects, students produce scholarly works or research proposals that can meet expectations in actual scholarly fields.
HIEA 5052: China and the World: From Empire to Nation
This reading seminar is open to graduate students and advanced undergraduates. It examines Chinese perspectives, practices, and interactions with other states in the international scene from antiquity to the People's Republic of China. Students read about and discuss recurring issues in China's historical external relations. Evaluation of student performance is based on participation, weekly written responses, and a historiographical essay.
HIEA 5151: Mao and the Chinese Revolution
This course, an advanced reading seminar, provids an in-depth investigation of one of the most magnificent, yet destructive, revolutions in human history--the Chinese Communist revolution, as well as the person who led the revoilution--Mao Zedong.
HIEA 7031: Modern East Asian History
Offered to graduate students with no previous background in modern East Asian history. Consists of attendance at the lecture sessions of undergraduate courses on modern East Asian history and directed readings at an advanced level on the development of the social, political and cultural institutions of East Asia.
HIEA 7041: Modern East Asian History
Offered to graduate students with no previous background in modern East Asian history. Consists of attendance at the lecture sessions of undergraduate courses on modern East Asian history and directed readings at an advanced level on the development of the social, political and cultural institutions of East Asia.
HIEA 8011: East Asian History
Directed readings, discussions, and research papers on selected topics in Chinese and Japanese history.
HIEA 8111: Traditional Chinese History
Studies documents related to social and political philosophy. Emphasizes translated texts, but some attention will be paid to Chinese texts and the problems of translation.
HIEA 8211: Japanese History
Discusses selected issues in the social, political, and economic development of Japan from the Tokugawa period to the present.
HIEA 9021: Tutorial in "China in Hot and Cold Wars in Modern Times". . .
This tutorial explores three types of conflicts in China modern experiences: civil wars, international conflicts, and Cold War confrontations. Reading materials include major scholarships on these topics. The class meets biweekly, and the students are evaluated on the basis of participation, short book reviews, and a final paper.
HIEA 9022: Tutorial in "Making of the 'Chinese Nation'". . .
This tutorial is about conceptual and political constructions of the "Chinese Nation" in the 20th century. Readings include relevant writings by important intellectual and political figures of 20th-century China and major scholarships on the subject from multiethnic perspectives. The class meets biweekly, and the students are evaluated on the basis of participation, short book reviews, and a final paper.
HIEA 9023: Tutorial in Modern Japanese Thought, Culture, & Politics
Introduction the history and historiography of modern Japanese Thought, Culture, and Politics. Topics include modernity, empire, the nation-state, war, fascism, and capitalist development.
HIEA 9024: An Introduction to the Historiography of Modern Korea
This tutorial provides students an overview of representative scholarly works and major historiographical debates in the English language on the study of modern Korean history. Specific topics covered include Korea's colonization, decolonization, division, economic development, the birth of modern Korean nationalism, and the growth of Korea's overseas diaspora.