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Grader Practice
To qualify for a grader for your course, your course must have a minimum enrollment of 40 and no TAs assigned to the course. Faculty members are responsible for finding the student worker to serve as their grader. Faculty members should alert the department manager of their intention to hire a grader as soon as possible and then follow up once they have a particular student to hire. Graders receive $15/hour and can work a maximum of 75 hours per semester per course. Please be aware that students can only work a maximum of 20 hours per week (including all of their positions if they hold multiple positions).
If you believe that you have extenuating circumstances that require you to be considered outside these parameters, please work with your department chair to acquire special permission before asking department staff to make a hire. Department staff will only be able to hire graders if you fit within the parameters outlined, or if you have special dispensation from the department chair.
This practice may be updated based on budgetary considerations as we rely on external funding to support our graders.